Happy birthday to these games
News from the database

How can i help ?
You can help contribute to the database in the following way: look at your collection, and compare with what we have. Sometimes you will have a tab that we have not referenced. Or higher quality scans. Even a missing game! In this case, send to dmgdatabase@gmail.com, with your nickname on the site. The game will be added in a few days, and your name will be given alongside. Thank you !

Why Watermarks ?
We received many requests to know if we were planning to remove the watermarks from certain photos one day. We even received an email of insults on the subject. Let's be clear. Box reproduction is not at all the policy of the members of this site. We don't understand how people can call themselves collectors while printing fake things. At the very beginning of the site, these watermarks were not present. We were surprised to find on ebay a fake box designed from a scan of the site. So, in order to preserve the heritage of the Game Boy, not to contribute to the development of reproductions, we will never remove these watermarks. We're sorry! However, as part of a cultural project (book, ...), you needed one or two photos, please send us an email. thank you for your understanding