Super break out (USA)

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Super break out USA

Super break out USA Back of the box
Super break out USA Front of the booklet
Super break out USA Back of the booklet
Super break out USA Cartridge

In Breakout the player's aim is to break down a brick wall located in the upper part of the screen, while in the lower part there is only a small bar that can be moved left and right: with this you have to hit a bouncing ball , so that it destroys all the bricks that make up the wall. If the player fails to hit the ball with his bar, it leaves the screen and is eliminated from the group of 3 available: once all the balls have been used up, the game ends ("Game over"). The bricks are arranged in 8 rows and each pair of rows is drawn with a different color: from bottom to top, yellow, green, orange and red. In reality the video is in black and white: the colors are simulated by placing a transparent film on the screen with colored stripes positioned to correspond to the rows of bricks. Each brick hit awards a score: 1 point for yellow bricks; 3 points for green bricks; 5 points for orange bricks and 7 points for red ones. The speed of the bar controlled by the player increases after 4 shots, then after another 12 shots and finally when the ball reaches the rows of orange and red bricks. When it then breaks through the last row of red bricks and hits the upper wall, the bar halves its width.

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Booklet Code DMG-ABOE-USA
Cartridge Code DMG-ABOE-USA
Flap Code
Flap Shape
Box languages
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Inner inlay
Cardboard inlay (game on top)
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About the game

Developed by
Release date USA : 1998 , Dec.
Others supports Atari 2600, 5200, ST, GBC
Saving No save available
Gaming type Action and Thinking
Number of players
Super Game Boy Features
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Production Dates