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Adventure Island II FAH
B.C. Kid FAH
Best of the Best Championship Karate FAH
Boulder Dash FAH
Bubble Bobble FAH
Castlevania II Belmont's Revenge FAH
Castlevania the Adventure FAH
Duck Tales 2 (Disney's) FAH
FIFA International Soccer EUR
Gremlins 2 Shinshu Tanjo JPN
Joe & Mac Caveman Ninja FAH
Jurassic Park FRA
Jurassic Park the Lost World FAH
Kid Icarus of Myths and Monsters FAH
Kirby's Dream Land 2 FAH
Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening (the) FRA
Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening (the) FRA-1
Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening (the) (Nintendo Classics version) FRA
Looney Tunes FAH
Metroid II Return of Samus FAH
Mortal Kombat FAH
Mortal Kombat & Mortal Kombat II EUR-1
Mortal Kombat 3 EUR
Mortal Kombat II EUR-4
Mystic Quest FRA
Nemesis II the Return of the Hero FAH
Pang FAH
Parasol stars FAH
Parodius FAH
Parodius Da! JPN
Pokemon Edition Speciale Pikachu Version Jaune NFRA
Probotector FAH
Shadow Warriors Ninja gaiden FAH
Snow Brothers Jr. USA
Space Invaders FAH
Star Wars FAH-2
Street Fighter II FAH-2
Super James Pond FAH
Tamagotchi FRA
Top Gun Guts & Glory FAH
Toy Story (Disney's) EUR