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Aerostar JPN
Akumajo Special Boku Dracula Kun JPN
Aladdin (Disney's) EUR
Alien Olympics: 2044AD UKV
Alleyway FAH
Amazing Spider-Man (the) ESP-1
Astérix & Obélix FAH
B.C. Kid NOE
Bart Simpson's Escape from Camp Deadly USA
Batman Return of the Joker NOE
Batman the Animated Series USA
Batman the Video Game ESP
Battle Arena Toshinden EUR
Battle Unit Zeoth ESP
Battletoads ESP
Battletoads in Ragnarok's World ESP-2
Blaster Master Junior ESP
Bomb Jack ESP
Bubble Bobble ESP
Burai Fighter Deluxe ESP-1
Bust-a-Move 2 Arcade Edition EUR
Caesars Palace FAH
Casper EUR
Castlevania II Belmont's Revenge SCN
Castlevania Legends EUR
Castlevania the Adventure ESP
Catrap USA
Darkman USA
Darkwing Duck (Disney's) ESP
Desert Strike FAH
Donkey Kong ESP-1
Donkey Kong Land GPS
Donkey Kong Land 2 ESP
Donkey Kong Land III NUKV
Double Dragon UKV
Double Dragon 3 the Arcade Game ESP
Double Dragon II ESP
Dr. Franken ESP
Dr. Mario ESP-1
Dragon Slayer I JPN
Duck Tales (Disney's) ESP
Dynablaster ESP-1
Elevator Action USA
F-1 Race ESP-1
F-15 Strike Eagle ESP
FIFA Soccer 97 EUR
Final Fantasy Legend III USA
Flipull USA
Fortress of Fear (Wizards & Warriors X) ESP-1
Gargoyle's Quest ESP-1
Ghostbusters II ESP
Golf ESP-1
Gradius the Interstellar Assault USA
Gremlins 2 the New Batch ESP
Hook ESP
Humans (the) UKV
Jungle Book (Disney’s) NUKV
Killer Instinct UKV
King of Fighters 95 (the) EUR
King of Fighters Heat of battle EUR
Kirby's Dream Land ESP-1
Kirby's Dream Land 2 GPS
Kirby's Pinball Land USA
Krusty's Fun House ESP
Kung-Fu Master FAH
Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening (the) ESP-2
Lemmings ESP
Lemmings 2 the Tribes EUR
Mega Man Dr. Wily's Revenge UKV
Mega Man II ESP-1
Mega Man III ESP-1
Mega Man IV EUR
Metroid II Return of Samus UKV
Mickey Mouse ESP
Mickey's Dangerous Chase UKV
Monster Max EUR
Mortal Kombat II EUR
Motocross Maniacs ESP
Muhammad Ali Heavyweight Boxing ESP
Navy Seals FAH
NBA All-Star Challenge USA
Nemesis ESP
Netô Garô Densetsu 2 Aratanaru Tatakai JPN
Nettô Real Bout Garô Densetsu Special JPN
Netto Samurai Spirits Zankuro Musôken JPN
Nintendo World Cup ESP-1
Operation C USA-1
Palamedes ESP
Pequeños Guerreros ESP
Pinball Dreams FAH
Pocket Monsters Aka JPN
Pocket Monsters Ao JPN
Pocket Monsters Green Version JPN
Pocket Monsters Special Pikachu Edition Yellow Version JPN
Pokemon Edicion amarilla NESP
Pokemon Ediciòn Roja NESP
Pokemon Versão Azul BRA
Popeye 2 ESP
Probotector 2 EUR
Punisher (the) USA
Q*Bert ESP
Radar Mission USA
Revenge of the Gator ESP-1
RoboCop ESP
RoboCop 2 ESP
Rockman World 5 JPN
Samurai Shodown FAH
Shadow Warriors Ninja gaiden ESP
Side Pocket NOE
Solar Striker NOE
Space Invaders USA-1
Speedball 2 ESP
Star Saver (the Adventures of) ESP
Star Wars NEU6
Street Fighter II UKV
Super Mario Land ESP-1
Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins NOE
Sword of Hope (the) ESP
T2 Terminator 2 Judgment Day ESP
T2 the Arcade Game NOE
Tamagotchi ESP
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles Fall of the Foot Clan ESP
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles II Back from the Sewers ESP
Tennis ESP-1
Tetris ESP-1
Tetris 2 ESP-1
Tetris Attack NUKV
Tetris Plus NUKV
Tiny Toon Adventures Babs' Big Break ESP
Top Gun Guts & Glory ESP
Track & Field NOE
Track Meet FAH
Trax ESP
Turok Battle of the Bionosaurs EUR
Universal Soldier ESP
Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 NEU6
Wave Race NESP
World Beach Volley ESP
World Heroes 2 Jet EUR
Xenon 2 ESP
Yoshi's Cookie ESP-2
Zool UKV-1