Mickey Mouse / Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle

Bugs Bunny the Crazy Castle AUS (10620)

Bugs Bunny the Crazy Castle AUS-1 (960410)

O Castelo Maluco do Pernalonga BRA (No code appears)

Bugs Bunny the Crazy Castle ESP (20714)

Bugs Bunny the Crazy Castle FAH (10527)

Bugs Bunny the Crazy Castle FAH (11120)

Bugs Bunny the Crazy Castle FAH (11213)

Bugs Bunny the Crazy Castle FAH (30224)

Bugs Bunny the Crazy Castle FAH (No code appears)

Bugs Bunny the Crazy Castle FRG (10620)

Bugs Bunny the Crazy Castle FRG (20324)

Bugs Bunny the Crazy Castle ITA (10903)

Bugs Bunny the Crazy Castle ITA-1 (30331)

Mickey Mouse JPN (No code appears)

Bugs Bunny the Crazy Castle NEAI (No code appears)

Bugs Bunny the Crazy Castle NFAH (No code appears)

Bugs Bunny the Crazy Castle NNOE (No code appears)

Bugs Bunny the Crazy Castle NOE (10610)

Bugs Bunny the Crazy Castle NOE (10722)

Bugs Bunny the Crazy Castle SCN (10524)

Bugs Bunny the Crazy Castle UKV (10722)

Bugs Bunny the Crazy Castle UKV (11113)

Bugs Bunny the Crazy Castle USA (00402)

Bugs Bunny the Crazy Castle USA (10722)

Bugs Bunny the Crazy Castle USA-1 (980202)