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Addams Family (the) FAH
Addams Family Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt (the) FAH
Adventure Island FAH
Adventure Island II NOE
Aladdin (Disney's) EUR
Alfred Chicken FAH
Alien 3 FAH
Alien Olympics: 2044AD FAH
Alleyway FAH-1
Altered Space a 3-D Alien Adventure USA
Amazing Spider-Man (the) FAH
Astérix FAH
Astérix & Obélix FAH
Bad'n Rad (Skate or Die) FAH
Bart Simpson's Escape from Camp Deadly FAH
Batman the Video Game FAH
Battletoads FAH
Battletoads in Ragnarok's World FAH
Best of the Best Championship Karate FAH
Bill & Ted's Excellent Game Boy Adventure USA
Bionic Commando FAH
Blades of Steel FAH
Blaster Master Junior ESP
Blues Brothers (the) FRG
Bo Jackson Two Games in One USA
Bomb Jack FAH
Boomer's Adventure in Asmik World USA
Bossu de Notre Dame (Disney le) FRA
Boulder Dash FAH
Brain Drain EUR
Bubble Ghost FAH
Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle 2 USA
Bugs Bunny the Crazy Castle FAH
Burai Fighter Deluxe FAH
Burgertime Deluxe FAH
Bust-a-Move 2 Arcade Edition EUR
Bust-a-Move 3 DX EUR
Caesars Palace FAH
Casper EUR
Castelian FRG
Castle Quest FAH
Castlevania II Belmont's Revenge FAH
Castlevania the Adventure FAH
Chase H.Q. FAH
Chessmaster (the) FAH
Choplifter II FAH
Choplifter III EUR
Chuck Rock FAH
Cool Spot FAH
Crystal Quest USA
CutThroat Island EUR
Daedalian Opus USA
Daffy Duck FAH
Darkwing Duck (Disney's) FAH
Days of Thunder USA
Desert Strike FAH
Detective Conan Chika Yûenchi Satsujin Jiken JPN
Donkey Kong JPN
Donkey Kong (Nintendo Classics version) FAH
Donkey Kong Land FAH
Donkey Kong Land 2 NFAH
Donkey Kong Land III NEAI
Doraemon Taiketsu Himitsu Dôgu!! JPN
Double Dragon FAH
Double Dragon II FAH
Dr. Franken II FAH
Dr. Mario FAH
Dragon Heart FRA
Dragon's Lair the Legend (Sullivan Bluth Presents) FAH
Duck Tales (Disney's) FAH
Duck Tales 2 (Disney's) FAH
Dynablaster FAH
Earthworm Jim EUR
F-1 Race FAH
F-1 Race ITA
F1 Pole Position FAH
Famista 2 JPN
Felix the Cat FAH
Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge FAH
FIFA International Soccer EUR
FIFA Soccer 97 EUR
Final Fantasy Adventure USA
Flash (the) NOE
Flintstones King Rock Treasure Island (the) FAH
Football International FAH-1
Fortified Zone FAH
Fortress of Fear (Wizards & Warriors X) ITA
Game Boy Gallery 5 in 1 FAH
Game of Life Jinsei Game JPN
Garfield Labyrinth FAH
Gargoyle's Quest FAH
Gauntlet II FAH
Gear Works FAH
Ghostbusters II FAH
Go! Go! Tank USA
Golf JPN
Golf NOE-3
Gremlins 2 Shinshu Tanjo JPN
Gremlins 2 the New Batch FAH
Hal Wrestling USA
Hatris USA
Home Alone FAH
Hook FAH
Hook ITA
Hudson Hawk USA
Humans (the) FAH
Hunt for Red October (the) - A la Poursuite d'Octobre Rouge FAH
Hunt for Red October (the) - Cassia a Ottobre Rosso ITA
Hyper Lode Runner FAH
Incredible Crash Dummies (the) FAH
Indien dans la ville (Un) EUR
Indy Indiana Jones et la Dernière Croisade FAH
InfoGenius Berlitz French Translator USA
Jack Nicklaus Golf FAH
Jimmy Connors Tennis FAH
Joe & Mac Caveman Ninja FAH
Jordan vs Bird One on One FAH
Jurassic Park FAH
Jurassic Park le Monde Perdu FRA
Kid Icarus of Myths and Monsters FAH
Killer Instinct FAH
King of the Zoo FAH
Kirby's Dream Land FAH
Kirby's Dream Land FAH-1
Kirby's Dream Land UKV
Kirby's Dream Land 2 FAH
Kirby's Dream Land 2 USA
Kirby's Pinball Land FAH
Krusty's Fun House FAH
Kung-Fu Master FAH
Lazlo's Leap USA
Le roi Lion (Disney) FRA
Le roi Lion (Disney) NFRA-1
Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening (the) FRA
Little Mermaid (Disney’s the) NFHU
Livre de la Jungle (Disney le) FRA
Looney Tunes FAH
Lucky Luke FAH
Marble Madness FAH
Mario & Yoshi FAH
Mario & Yoshi GPS
Maru's Mission USA
Mc Donaldland FAH
Mega Man Dr. Wily's Revenge FAH-1
Mega Man II FAH
Mega Man III FAH
Mega Man IV USA
Mercenary Force FAH
Metroid II Return of Samus FAH
Mickey Mouse FAH
Mickey's Dangerous Chase FAH
Micro Machines EUR
Micro Machines 2: Turbo Tournament FAH
Mole Mania NFAH
Monopoly EUR
Monster Max FAH
Montezuma's Return ! EUR
Mortal Kombat FAH-1
Mortal Kombat & Mortal Kombat II EUR
Mortal Kombat 3 EUR
Motocross Maniacs FAH
Mr. Do! FAH
Ms. Pac-Man FAH
Muhammad Ali Heavyweight Boxing FAH
MVP Baseball (Roger Clemens') USA
Mystic Quest FRA
Nail 'n Scale USA
Navy Seals FAH
NBA All-Star Challenge USA
NBA Live 96 EUR
Nemesis FAH
NFL Quarterback Club FAH
NFL Quarterback Club 96 EUR
NHL Hockey 95 EUR
Nigel Mansell’s World Championship FAH
Nintendo World Cup FAH
Oddworld Adventures EUR
Olympic Summer Games EUR
On the Tiles (Franky, Joe & Dirk) NOE
Othello FAH
Pang FAH
Paperboy 2 USA
Parasol stars FAH
Parodius FAH
PGA European Tour EUR
Pierre le Chef.. is Out to Lunch FAH
Pinball Deluxe EUR
Pinball Dreams FAH
Pinocchio FAH
Pinocchio NOE
Pipe Dream USA
Pit-Fighter FAH
Pokemon Edition Speciale Pikachu Version Jaune NFRA
Pokemon Version bleue NFRA
Pokemon Version Rouge NFRA
Pop Up FAH
Popeye 2 FAH
Power rangers EUR
Prehistorik Man EUR
Primal Rage EUR
Probotector FAH
Probotector 2 EUR
R-Type FAH
Radar Mission FAH
Rescue of Princess Blobette (David Crane's the) FAH
Reservoir Rat EUR
Revenge of the Gator FAH
RoboCop FAH
RoboCop 2 USA
RoboCop versus the Terminator USA
Schtroumpfs (les) FAH
Schtroumpfs autour du Monde (les) FAH
Shadow Warriors Ninja gaiden UKV
Shanghai USA
Side Pocket FAH
Simpsons Bart vs. the Juggernauts (the) FAH
Simpsons Bart vs. the Juggernauts (the) UKV
Small Soldiers FRA
Sneaky Snakes FAH
Snoopy's Magic Show FAH
Snow Brothers Jr. ESP
Soccer FAH
Solar Striker FAH
Solitaire JPN
Solomon's Club FAH
Spanky's Quest FRG
Speedy Gonzales FAH
Spider-Man 3 Invasion of the Spider-Slayers FAH
Spider-Man X-Men FAH-1
Spirit of F1 FAH
Spy vs Spy EUR
Star Trek Generations Beyond the Nexus EUR
Star Wars FAH
Star Wars l'Empire Contre-Attaque FAH
Star Wars Return of the Jedi (Super) EUR
Super Battletank EUR
Super Hunchback FAH
Super Hunchback FAH-1
Super Kick Off FAH
Super Mario Land FAH
Super Mario Land 2 6 Golden Coins JPN
Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins FAH
Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins FAH-1
Super R.C. Pro-Am FAH
Super Street Basketball JPN
Superman EUR
Swamp Thing FAH
Sword of Hope (the) FRG
T2 Terminator 2 Judgment Day FAH
T2 the Arcade Game NOE
Taito Chase H.Q. JPN
TaleSpin (Disney's) FAH
Tarzan Lord of the Jungle EUR
Tasmania Story USA
Tasmanian Devil in Island Chase FAH
Taz Mania FAH
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles Fall of the Foot Clan FAH
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 JPN
Tennis ESP-2
Tennis FAH
Tetris ESP-1
Tetris JPN
Tetris (Nintendo Classics version) FAH-1
Tetris Blast NOE
Tim Der Sonnentempel NOE
Tintin au Tibet FAH
Tiny Toon Adventures Babs' Big Break FAH
Tiny Toon Adventures Wacky Sports EUR
Tip Off FAH
Tom & Jerry Frantic Antics FAH
Tom & Jerry Frantic Antics USA
Top Gun Guts & Glory FAH
Top Rank Tennis USA
Torpedo Range USA
Toy Story (Disney's) EUR
Track & Field NOE
Track Meet FAH
Track Meet Mezase ! JPN
Trump Collection GB JPN
Turn and Burn (the F-14 Dogfight Simulator) USA
Turok Battle of the Bionosaurs EUR
Turrican FAH
Ultima Runes of Virtue USA
Universal Soldier FAH
Uozu JPN
V-Rally Championship Edition FAH
Wario Blast Featuring Bomberman! FAH
Wario Land II NFAH
Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 (Nintendo Classics Series) FAH
WaterWorld FAH
Wave Race NFAH
World Beach Volley NOE
World Bowling JPN
World Heroes 2 Jet EUR
WWF King of the Ring NOE-1
Yannick Noah Tennis FRA
Yogi Bear's Gold Rush EUR
Yoshi's Cookie FAH
Zen Intergalactic Ninja USA
Zool FAH-1